With freedom, quilts, flowers, and the Moon, who could not be happy?
As a creative with a relentlessly wandering heart, quilting is a way for me to feel connected with both the past and future while living in the moment. It’s an ancient art used to create pieces that will long outlive me—while grounding me in the present as I create.
By making it something that blends in with the patterns of your own life and needs, it’s my hope that it does the same for you.
Creativity is part of being human.
I believe that whether you consider yourself creative or not, you have creativity inside of you. It’s a spark that inspired the mud pies you made when you were younger. It’s what fueled the imagination that your fort made of blankets was a rocket ship or a deep underground cave. Your creativity has been with you from the very beginning.
But because of the often tense and swift pace of your busy life, it could be days, weeks, or even months before you have a moment to tap into your creativity. And it’s probably been years, perhaps since you unearthed the confident creativity that played in those forts or made those disgustingly beautiful mudpies. I believe that outlet is calling out for release.

Cast a spell on your creativity. Conjure up a new type of freedom.
I started Wax and Wane Studio as an outlet. An outlet for peaceful creativity. It was for me. It was for you. It was for everyone. Because in this fast-paced world, we sometimes get so little chance to reconnect with ourselves and give that voice inside an opportunity to speak. And despite what some may think, I do believe you can have it all.
You can be the adult, parent, partner, and employee without giving up the best part: you, the creator. I created Wax and Wane Studio to help you tap into a special space. A space where you can find time to create while also recharging and resetting so that you can discover balance in this crazy world.
I hope to help you discover quilting as a productive way to decompress while also practicing mindfulness and gratitude. With bite-size patterns and the freedom to make the patterns your own, these quilts will enchant you into unleashing the creative magic you always knew you had.
Hello Friend, I’m Anna Brown
Quilter, designer, and full-time Moon adorer.
I created Wax and Wane Studio when I found myself in a position that might resonate with you. I blinked for a moment and discovered that life was moving on autopilot, and somehow, someway, I hadn’t fed my creative outlet in some time.
But thinking back, I could see the steps that led to it. The failed attempts, after art school, at selling artwork online and at craft fairs left me feeling deflated and ushered me into a new phase. The comfort phase of building a life and family with the love of my life. The parenthood phase, where I became a mother to three little rascals and swapped my creative time for sleep time. All these beautiful and intimate phases of life happened so fast.
But I always felt the tug in the hustle and bustle of it all. The pull of wanting to unravel myself a bit. To pause for a moment and see what my mind wanted to create. What it wanted to say and how it wanted to let it out. I dreamt of creative endeavors but couldn’t find the time to make them happen, leaving me feeling lonely, sad, and sorry for myself.
That’s when I decided to make a change. This need for a creative outlet was becoming too heavy, and I couldn’t keep waiting for the right thing or the right moment. So I decided to return to an old love of mine—quilting.
And the rest, as they say, is history. I found “my people” and learned I could turn this passion into something that serves me and those around me.
Since then, quilting has become a form of self-care for me. Quilting unusual shapes and moody colors slows and calms me down. It allows me time to relax and reflect while still feeling productive and accomplished.
That is the peace I hope Wax and Wane Studio brings to you. I hope it helps you become confident in your craft with its unique approach to quilt patterns. But more importantly, with its unique approach to quilt patterns, I hope it gives you the space to let your creativity flow without judgment.

Adulting is overrated.
No one wants to say it, but there you have it.
When I look around the world today, I see faces of people craving connection to those around them and (more than anything) to themselves.
We all need a break from the pressures of the day-to-day hustle, and that’s not a crime. You can love your children, partner, friends, or job and not feel guilty for needing time to yourself. In fact, by fulfilling your creative outlet, you’re allowing yourself to add to the magic of their lives.
So, you do you, friend. The world needs it.